Composer Quickstart

Composer is a per-project dependency manager for PHP.

This means the composer command must be run in the project’s root folder.

Composer can be downloaded from

Get Composer

Composer can be downloaded from

The Composer JSON file

To start using Composer in your project, all you need is a composer.json file. This file describes the dependencies of your project and may contain other metadata as well.

Source: Composer - Basic Usage

Sample Composer JSON

    "name": "vendor-name/project-name",
    "description": "Project description",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "license": "License type (eg. MIT)",
    "type": "project",
    "authors": [
            "name": "D. Kernel",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "homepage": "",
            "role": "Developer"
    "require": {
        "psr/http-message": "^1.0.1",
    "require-dev": {
        "debug/dev-only": "1.0.*",
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Project\\Namespace\\Prefix\\": "src/"


Project name Examples: my-brand/my-project, psr/http-message, etc.

Note: all your projects dependencies will be stored in their respective vendor/vendor-name/project-name folder, eg.: vendor/my-brand/my-project


Give a brief description of your project.


Project version.

Examples: 1.0.1, v2.3, 1.5.3-RC2, v1.5.3-RC2, e35fa0d (for specific git commit), ‘feature-v.1.2’ (version 1.2 for specific git branch)

More about package versions


JSON array with authors. Each author is stored in an array of objects.

Each author is a JSON object stored in the array.


Describes the package type.

  • library: This is the default. It will simply copy the files to vendor.
  • project: This refers to a package such as a skeleton app or final product.
  • metapackage: An empty package that contains requirements and will trigger their installation, but contains no files and will not write anything to the filesystem.
  • composer-plugin: A package of type composer-plugin may provide an installer for other packages that have a custom type. Read more in the dedicated article.

Require & Require-dev

require: List of project dependencies for production use. require-dev: List of project dependencies for development purposes, these should not be installed in production.

Autoload & Autoload-dev

autoload: Autoloading for production use. autoload-dev: Autoloading for development purposes (also includes autoloading for production use).

Composer Commands

  • composer require package-name:version - adds specified package to dependencies and installs it, the version is optional but recommended. eg.: composer require zend-diactoros:1.2
  • composer dump-autoload - only generates the autoload files (vendor/autoload.php and files found in vendor/composer)
  • composer install - installs all dependencies found in require and require-dev sections from composer.lock file, --no dev option is supported
  • composer update - updates all dependencies to latest version
  • composer self-update - updates composer

    Note: composer.lock is a file containing a list with all packages and versions. When running composer update, this file will be overwritten

Creating a composer Package

New composer package Scratch

When starting from scratch you can use an empty json file.


Note: name, description, version, type and autoload are mandatory if publishing the project

From this point forward any dependencies can be required and the project to be build.

New composer package based on another composer package

To create a new composer package based on an existing composer package simply run the following command composer create-project dotkernel/dot-frontend /path/to/create/project

File structure for a project

  • vendor - dependencies folder
  • composer.json - composer package file
  • src - the source code for specified project
  • LICENSE - License file (plain text format)
  • - Project’s instructions (markdown format)

Other directory recommendations:

  • config - for configuration files
  • docs - for doocumentation files
  • extra - for project extras (such as database exports)
  • data - for application content (such as cache, uploads, etc.)

Composer package simulation

Package simulation is useful when testing a new package with an existing package before publishing it. Package simulation is intended for local testing before publishing package anywhere, do not use this in production.

The new package (to be tested) will be named the small package. The old package (to be tested on) will be named the great package.


  • copy the small package files into the vendor/me/my-project folder of the great package (you must create it first)
  • backup composer.lock or vendor/composer/installed.json files in the great package
  • open the great package composer.lock file, add the composer.json contents in the small project in the packages section or add the contents in the vendor/composer/installed.json as the last array value
  • run composer dump-autoload

Note: Assuming the new package name is me/my-project.


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