The DotKernel 3 ConfigProvider

The ConfigProvider is what’s responsible for making sure your Module will be loaded and the config will be added to the global array.

Show me some code

Here is an example from dot-queue.

 * Class ConfigProvider
 * @package Dot\Queue
class ConfigProvider
    public function __invoke()
        return [
            'dependencies' => $this->getDependencies(),
            'dot_console' => $this->getCommands(),
    public function getDependencies()
        return [
            'factories' => [
                QueueOptions::class => QueueOptionsFactory::class,
                AdapterManager::class => AdapterManagerFactory::class,

                // commands factories
                ConsumeCommand::class => ConsumeCommandFactory::class,
                RetryCommand::class => FailedCommandFactory::class,
    public function getCommands()
        return [
            'commands' => [
                    'name' => 'queue:consume',
                    'route' => '[--queues=] [--all] [--sleep=] [--max-runtime=]' .
                        ' [--max-jobs=] [--memory-limit=] [--stop-on-error] [--stop-on-empty]',
                    'short_description' => 'Run the queue consumer loop',
                    'description' => 'Start the consumer worker loop, to consume jobs from specified queues',
                    'options_descriptions' => [
                        '--queues' => 'Comma separated list of queue names to run, defaults to the default queue',
                        '--all' => 'Run the consumer on all defined queues, round robin',
                        '--max-runtime' => 'Keep the consumer running a specified amount of time only',
                        '--max-jobs' => 'Specify how many jobs to run before closing the consumer',
                        '--memory-limit' => 'Set the memory limit allowed to be used by the consumer',
                        '--sleep' => 'Seconds to sleep the consumer worker if queue is empty',
                        '--stop-on-error' => 'Flag indicating the consumer to stop if an error has occurred',
                        '--stop-on-empty' => 'Flag indicating the consumer to stop if queues are empty',
                    'handler' => ConsumeCommand::class,
                    'name' => 'queue:retry',
                    'route' => '[<uuid>] [--queue=]',
                    'short_description' => 'Re-dispatch failed jobs back into the queue for retrying',
                    'options_descriptions' => [
                        '<uuid>' => 'Optionally, specify the job\'s UUID to retry',
                        '--queue' => 'Optionally, specify the queue name for which to retry jobs'
                    'handler' => RetryCommand::class,

How does it work

We can see that in the ConfigProvider’s invoke method, we register our dependencies, and other configuration setup.

  • The dependencies include factories and other settings that goes into the service container.
  • The commands being registered here are console-commands, which can be run from the php dot command

Simply put, it’s where you link your Module to the main application.

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